Kinetic Blast/Power Siphon Pathfinder Ascendancy, Bandits, and Pantheon Powers




Ascendancy 3.10

  1. Nature’s Boon
  2. Master Alchemist
  3. Veteran Bowyer
  4. Nature’s Adrenaline

Additional Information

Nature’s Boon is not much of a first point for leveling, but it is a small convenience if you are employing flasks other than Mana and Life early in the game. Late game, this node starts to feel incredible, particularly for bossing and longer fights, as it significantly increases your flask uptime, and helps with reduced charges mods.

Master Alchemist is the most important acquisition, hence why we rush towards it straight away. While the tooltip for this one is pretty self-explanatory, it is essentially a big injection of damage any time you have a flask running, plus the additional defenses from chance to freeze. Immunity to elemental ailments during any flask effect is simply the hugest quality of life in any single Ascendancy point.

Veteran Bowyer feels really great going into maps for the first time, allowing you to easily maintain flask charges in any situation that there are killable enemies as well as slapping a fat amount of extra damage and penetration on our build. This one feels really good on bosses, and you will definitely feel the difference.

Nature’s Adrenaline could be taken third, depending on your preference, but we feel this is more of an “icing on the cake” point, and it does not have the same feel of immediate power increase that Veteran Bowyer does. The movement speed is fantastic for clearing, however, and the Attack Speed really does mean a lot once you have the proper items and are well and truly into the end-game.

Deal With the Bandits Reward

Generally, killing all of them is the best option for the end-game. Alira, however, offers valuable resistances and multiplier that can make it a better choice for league starting. We recommend Alira for league starting and hardcore, and swapping to the 2 Passives once you no longer need the Resistances and can put the points to meaningful use in the end-game (for example, to fit in another Jewel).


As with many builds, Pantheon choices are rather flexible and can be adjusted to suit the situation and personal preference.

Major Gods

  • Soul of Solaris is one of the safest choices when fully upgraded, preventing Critical Strike chains and potential ailments against your character.
  • Soul of Lunaris adds a bit of Physical damage reduction and even more Movement Speed to the build.

Minor Gods

  • Soul of Gruthkul is a good default option.
  • Soul of Shakari can be a consideration for maps with Poison, but isn’t as dominant as before after 3.11 nerfs.
  • Soul of Ralakesh is a good choice for Uber Atziri, or if you want to remove Blind/Maim entirely.
  • Soul of Yugul is typically the best choice for Shaper and [Uber] Elder.

Guide Main Page


  • Added detailed advice on how to acquire 5 off colors on Queen of the Forest under the Armour/Chest subsection.

  • Updated weapon advice.

  • Added TL;DR gear table.

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