TbXie's Cyclone Slayer Build Guide (PoE Settlers of Kalguur 3.25)



Introduction & Expectations

I expected this skill to perform a lot better than it is in your guide. Why is this?

Because it is impossible to cater to everyone, I choose to not overcomplicate things. As a rule of thumb, this means you get to be confident you can obtain your two first Voidstones, an otherwise full Atlas completion & have a great mapping experience in T16 maps with moderates amounts of juice.
This implies you will most likely be looking for some help, or further investments to obtain your last two Voidstones. This is due to the fact that fighting these bosses on acceptable amounts of gear requires an enormous amount of game knowledge, fight practice & mechanical skill. Trying to compare your playing experience to those who’ve done nothing but play for years, tends to lead to dissapointment.

Therefore, take your time & appreciate the fact that some content can be harder for you, and the characters powerlevels you’ve managed to acquire, than for others. There’s no shame in this.


I am currently playing the new Challenge League and a lot of things have been added of which no mention can be found in this guide?

While I would very much like to give you all the ins and outs of the new powercreep in the new Challenge League, it saddens me to let you know that no Early access is given out and we thus have no more information than anyone else when updating our build guides before the new patches. We try our utmost to make sure everything is as close to perfect as we can, but cannot forecast which special mechanics / interactions might exist in new Leagues. If something of tremendous power is teased or announced beforehand, you can find specific League specific remarks in the section on the GEAR PAGE

What to Expect

๐Ÿ”ธ T16 Maps โœ”๏ธ
๐Ÿ”ธ T16 Maps w/ a few Atlas Mechanics or some scarabs โœ”๏ธ
๐Ÿ”ธ Pinnacle bosses when playing well โœ”๏ธ
๐Ÿ”ธ T17 Maps โœ”๏ธ
๐Ÿ”ธ Uber Content โŒ
๐Ÿ”ธ Uber Content when investing well beyond the guide โ—

Cyclone Cyclone

Cyclone Cyclone is one Path of Exile’s most iconic skills. It introduces us to a long-loved Spin to Win playstyle which ARPG Fans have always thoroughly enjoyed. Whilst Cyclone Cyclone in itself is definitely playing, its transfigured version Cyclone of Tumult Cyclone of Tumult is basically a ton of free damage, as long as you can counteract its downsides which is the Less Movement Speed modifier. We counteract this by using either Replica Stampede Replica Stampede or Regular The Stampede The Stampede. It doesn’t matter which one you get, just get the cheapest one.


This build is extremely enjoyable to play because you get to Spin around while just holding out right-click. Because you do damage while moving, this just creates an unparalleled amount of joy. Because it does good damage, it also introduces a decent amount of survivability making it super fun!

Build Assessment

Pro’s & Con’s

โž• One of the best playstyles in the game
โž• Goes from early to endgame fairly efficiently
โž• Good damage & defenses

โž– Relies on weapons
โž– Requires some specific gear to fix resistances & attributes
โž– Incredibly level-hungry

Viability in Numbers

๐Ÿ”ธ Ease of Transitioning: โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜†โ˜†
๐Ÿ”ธ New Player Friendliness: โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜†
๐Ÿ”ธ Playstyle: โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…
๐Ÿ”ธ Ease of Gearing: โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜†โ˜†
๐Ÿ”ธ Easily Executable: โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜†

Map Modifiers to Avoid

While certain combinations of modifiers are generally just bad, such as for example a couple of damage modifiers combined with Critical Strike Multiplier, these are things you are supposed to get a feel for yourself and test out. Just make sure not to combine too much crazy things together. Modifiers the build cannot run are listed here.

โ—No Leech
โ—Physical Damage Reflect
โ—Reduced Recovery

Damage & Defenses


This build is a pure Physical Damage build which uses Staves because it enables the Shockwave Support Shockwave Support. Where as before, going for Staves introduced problems to get early game weapons, Staves are now at a powerpoint where they will do fine until you get to craft your endgame weapons and introduce so much other benefits. Outside of Cycloning around, it doesn’t really requires many button presses. Outside of a single press of your Pride Aura, which is linked to Guardian's Blessing Support Guardian's Blessing Support and dropping a War Banner War Banner on bosses or tough rares.

Scaling & Layers

This build layers a lot of conditional mitigation to mostly avoid getting hit for relevant damage. These layers are combinations of following attempts to avoid taking relevant hits:

๐Ÿ”ธReasonable Armour
๐Ÿ”ธ65/65 Block & Spell Block
๐Ÿ”ธSix Endurance Charges
๐Ÿ”ธSteroid Fortify

Build Resources

Path of Building, Passives, Skill Gems & Progression

Path of Building, Progression, Skill Gems & Tree Page

Ascendancy choices, Bandits & Pantheons

Ascendancy, Bandits & Pantheon Powers Page

Gearing choices

Gear, Jewels & Flasks Page

Leveling the Build

Leaguestarter or Transitioning

This build has the Leaguestarer tag. This means we will be holding your hand right from the get go until you reach the pinnacle of your power and finish the guide. In order to maximize your experience, please make sure to follow the Path of Building leveling sections accordingly. We will be providing multiple skill trees & gem sets to ease your progress to endgame maps.

*You can find the Path of Building link on the Path of Building Page *

Starting out

While leveling it is really important to upgrade your weapons as much as possible. Path of Exile has an interesting vendor recipe to do so. You want to find a good base (in this case, any 2-handed Maces,Staffs, Axes), use a Blacksmith's Whetstone Blacksmith's Whetstone if you have one and sell the weapon to the vendor combined with a Rustic Sash Rustic Sash and a Blacksmith's Whetstone Blacksmith's Whetstone. The weapon becomes better with Magic or Rare Rustic Sashes. So ideally, you want to save a Magic or Rare Rustic Sash for when you feel like you need a Damage Upgrade.

More Questions? Show Support?

If you enjoy my content to such an extent that you’d like to support me and my work, or you have a specific question you request my private time for, you can buy me a coffee over at Patreon. At no point should you feel pressured to contribute, but if you do, your support means more to me than you will ever imagine.

Even though we try to make our guides as complete as possible, obviously it’s possible you still have questions. We have an entire mod-team readily available to support you & your questions on Discord. You can find us on the ARPG Vault Discord. Make sure to open a Guide Help thread so things stay clear in the main channels.


  • Updated for 3.22 Trial of the Ancestors

  • Fixed broken links in all sections

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